Hard work, careful planning and community involvement. This is what we achieved in 3 weeks.
Sustainable solution to drains being littered in Bakau, The Gambia by experimenting with an idea that popped into my head.
I left England knowing I was going to do something visual with the drain problem. I believed that whatever I did would urge the community to want to take control and have a say in how their environment looked and smelt. It was also a quest to find sustainable solution that will allow rain water to flow in the drains and not let litter in.
By the community taking ownership of whatever I did, I hoped that it would also empower them to take pride in their surroundings and encouraging each other to stop dropping litter.
We are saving lives – By cleaning the drains we are removing the breeding ground for mosquitoes. We are reducing the cases of malaria which cause deaths in the community. Respiratory problems and skin/eye infections are also reduced.

There are miles of drains like this to repair and cover. Each 50 metres cost approx £400. We urgently need financial help to continue. We operate solely on the financial generosity of friends, family and supporters.
I know there is a world financial struggle at present but surely we can all spare £2 – £5 per month to help us reduce avoidable sickness/infections and deadly diseases these people can’t do anything about.
End of July 2011
I’ve spent the last month making colourful flower pots out of old car tyres. Local upper school students came to help. It’s been hard work but fun.
We heard that the President is coming to Bakau on Thursday 28th July so, we decided that we were going to ask the organising committee if we can use our empty flower pots to decorate the street and the arena for the rally.
It was a great occassion. The president has plans for his country.
The following morning Yaya my caretaker and I decided to move our pots to the highway which is equivalent to a four lane ‘A’ road in the UK. We hired a truck and the rest is history.
Oasis Project colourful tyre pots are the talk of the town. Gambia hasn’t seen recycling like this. The people love them.
Old car tyre recycling is about the health and environment of the nation. Old car tyres hold stagnant water and are breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquito bites can cause malaria. Malaria is a problem in Africa.
If you know anyone or an organisation that can support us please get in touch.
Volunteer Trips
We will be organising volunteer trips for this project in the near future so please get in touch if you can help.

Mid July 2011
In between old car tyres and colourful flower pots, we found time to participate in a march past in Banjul for President Jammeh’s 17 years in office anniversary. We had a fabulous day. I felt like a teenager again.
I was also taken to the womens vegetable garden and shown a practice that has gone on for years which is a real health hazard. In short they are diverting sewage water to use as fertilizer for their crop!!! This is an epidemic waiting to happen.
Well, I’m going to have a good try…The Oasis Project approach is to educate the people causing the danger and the people suffering from this practice.
I have written an information sheet and intend to recruit local youths to go compound to compound using this newsletter to educate.
We will:-
- Make people aware of the wrong they are doing
- Make people aware of the sicknesses they are causing
- Make people aware of how to avoid making others sick and getting sick themselves
- Make people aware of the danger they are causing and how to do things better
June 2011
On my arrival in June I was invited to join the Operation Clean the Nation (OCN) taskforce committee. They are seeking an audience with the president to discuss equipment requirement for the continued operation of the President’s initiative.
Divine Hope School – I have also spent some time with the children and teachers at the orphanage nursery school that Oasis Project support. Francis Obi who operates the school has been refurbishing additional classrooms.
I would like you to help Oasis Project raise funds to furnish and equip the classrooms for the start of the school year in September 2011.