A Night to Remember! ‘Taste of Gambia’ Dinner Raises £5,230 for New School Project

The spirit of community and charity shone brightly on the evening of April 30th, 2024, as The Oasis Project – The Gambia hosted a vibrant ‘Taste of Gambia’ dinner, leaving attendees with full hearts and satisfied palates. This event, organised by our founder Chris Hayter in collaboration with The Brasserie at MK College, aimed to raise funds for building and equipping a new school in Bakau, The Gambia. The result? An impressive £5,230 was raised, setting the stage for the construction of a canteen at the new Starlight School.

A Culinary and Cultural Delight

Forty-two guests gathered for this sellout event, indulging in a delicious Gambian-themed meal that showcased the rich and diverse flavours of Gambian cuisine. The evening was not just a feast for the senses but also a platform for generosity and community spirit. A silent auction featuring six unique lots and heartfelt donations helped surpass the £5,000 mark, making a significant dent in the £350,000 capital fund needed for the project.

Distinguished Guests and Heartfelt Speeches

The event was graced by the presence of several distinguished guests, including The High Commissioner for The Gambia, Dr Bensouda, her Counselor Sainey Barrow, and The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Countess Howe. Chris Hayter, our founder, and representatives from MHA and the local MK community also joined in the festivities.

Dr Bensouda praised the work of The Oasis Project in her speech, highlighting our efforts not only in building the Starlight School but also in improving living conditions and reducing malaria cases in the region. She emphasized the importance of our charity in addressing the educational needs of The Gambia, stating, “Charities like The Oasis Project are vital to the education needs of the region, and the announcement of the capital fund appeal for a new school is exceptional news for The Gambia.”

Community Support and Generosity

The event underscored the generosity of our community, with significant contributions from the Grand Union Rotary Club in MK and philanthropists like Alistair Wallace, whose connections with the Million Dollar Round Table group resulted in a $5,000 donation. Angela Rhodes, Chair of Trustees for the charity, expressed her gratitude, stating, “We are thrilled to have the support of the High Commissioner and honoured guests this evening as we embark on a pivotal stage in our charity’s development.”

Looking Forward

The funds raised at the ‘Taste of Gambia’ dinner mark a promising start for our capital fund appeal. Angela Rhodes shared her excitement about the future, hoping to attract more trustees with varied skills to enhance the governance of our charity and encourage a larger group of volunteers.

“This is a brilliant start,” Angela remarked. “I am completely humbled by the generosity in the room tonight. We look forward to building on this momentum and seeing the Starlight School come to fruition, providing much-needed educational opportunities for the children of Bakau.”

Join the Cause

The success of the ‘Taste of Gambia’ dinner is a testament to the power of community and the impact of collective efforts. As The Oasis Project – The Gambia continues its mission, we invite everyone to join us in making a difference. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word, every bit of support helps build a brighter future for the children of The Gambia.

For more information on how to get involved or make a donation click here https://www.theoasisproject.org/contact/