Shoes for Christmas

Thanks to Simon Soanes for his generous donation for our Christmas party. We would not have been able to give any gift. Parents will not have to worry about providing shoes for the new term.  Each child at Starlight school received a pair of shoes for Christmas and there were presents for the teachers too. 

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Songs from the musicals

A group of talented local musicians treated us to an amazing evening of songs from the musicals. We believe that they are the stars of the future.  What an amazing fundraising event at St Mary’s Church Bletchley. Young musicians performed songs from musicals, to raise money for The Oasis Project (The Gambia.) All money raised…

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Fashion show

Thank you to everybody who came down to Willen to support our pop-up fund raising fashion event for the Oasis Project (The Gambia). You raised over £500 to help support the Starlight School in Bakau. It’s a project that’s very dear to our hearts, so your support last night means more to us than you…

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Ocean pollution initiative

Our students at Starlight school joined Banjul American International Students on an initiative about ocean pollution and the danger to humans from eating sick fish. Mixed groups produced ocean artwork impressions and Starlight students shared a drama sketch on general littering. We all enjoyed the experience.  Excellent collaboration as it is in line with Oasis…

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New school bus

We are delighted to now have a school bus for the children and the previous owner is allowing us to use it in advance of payment but we would really like to reward his generosity soon so any donation towards this would be very much appreciated. 

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Bin it dont drop It

Hard work, careful planning and community involvement. This is what we achieved in 3 weeks.  Sustainable solution to drains being littered in Bakau, The Gambia by experimenting with an idea that popped into my head.  I left England knowing I was going to do something visual with the drain problem. I believed that whatever I…

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